The Accountant

Accurate and precise, she kept the score and never wavered,
Had trained herself to keep account of every minor point.
With numbers she surpassed even the quickest calculator.
Not only did she excel in mathematical computation,
She never missed a beat in her inspection of the room.
She saw the slightest foible, sized up every situation.
At first she honed her talents close to home with family.
She brought them all to account, never missing an Achilles heel.
She had to put things right, to redress each wee deficiency.
Then she found shortcomings with the neighbors and her friends,
Too much makeup, too much sugar, too much time on internet.
With everyone she felt she had to help them make amends.
In traffic she would let them know they'd left their blinkers on.
At the market those in line would get a quick nutrition course
To make them more aware of empty calories and cholesterol.
Then one day her dream came true, she got an offer from the bank.
She deftly managed all the accounts, true to her ability,
Until she hit the targeted position of superior rank.
The boss called her in one day to tell her he was pleased
With all the work she'd done and the things she had accomplished.
Yet, there was a sticky issue with the other employees.
He said they felt accosted, with her around could hardly breath,
They had to brace themselves for the intrusion on their privacy.
She told him with no hesitation, speaking with authority,
'If you were paying attention, then you would clearly see
The damage they are doing, we could lose our clientele.'
The next day she got notice, had just two days to clear her desk.
This went beyond her calculi, how could she be expelled?
'Why? I've been so systematic, so punctilious.'
She never took into account that most of what she said
Sounded like a reprimand which no one had petitioned.
Now the only one that could be blamed was God Himself
She scolded Him for negligence, feeling no contrition.